Steps in Collection of Solid Waste
Collection Truck - Gathering Solid Waste
Each week Collection Drivers travel their respective daily routes collecting household solid waste that residents have put into the brown dumpster.
Weighing In
After arriving at Chadron Transfer Station; Drivers weigh the contents of the route collection.
These weights are reported to Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy [NDEE] quarterly. -
Truck In Baler House
After weighing in, Collection Drivers enter the baler house to empty the collection tank on their truck.
Emptying Load on Conveyor Belt
Upon safely entering the baler house, Collection Drivers empty their loads onto the conveyor belt. This is where the transfer station crew takes over. Crew members review & sort the load for acceptable waste.
This conveyor belt moves trash into the baler, where items are compressed and made into bales. -
Bales Being Loaded
After solid waste is compressed and baled, bales are then prepared to be loaded onto trucks. These steps are all in preparation of the next and final step of solid waste trash collection process.
Bale Truck Weighing Out
After bales are loaded into bale trucks; they are covered and/or tarped [by law], then weighed out to verify tonnage that makes its way to the SWANN Permitted Landfill.